Administration Toll Free: (800) 335-7978

          Phone: (775) 827-9670

Fax: (775) 827-9678

The Administration Office of the Summit Lake Paiute Tribe

located at 2255 Green Vista Dr. Ste. 402 in Sparks, Nevada 89431-7599

Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday, 

8:00am-12pm & 1:00pm-5:00pm - Closed Holidays

​​Enrollment Committee Members:​

Cherice Trejo

Christina Gonzalez

Thalia Dick

 We are excited to work with


 Enrollment Committee


  •  We like to keep in touch with our members so we can send important information. Please send us your contact information when changes occur.  The Tribal ID Request and Name/Address form below can be filled out and returned to our office.  In order for a Tribal ID to be used as a "Real ID" it must have an expiration date (if yours does not please fill out the form to request a new Tribal ID).  Some members do not have a photo or signature in their profile, you can submit this below or call the office to set a time to come in and do this in person.
  • Resolution (SL-05-2020) from Summit Lake Paiute Tribal Council amends the Articles of Association concerning membership, changing eligible member status to descendancy.  Please call to request an application for enrollment.​
  • We appreciate our members helping us achieve our goal of preserving our culture, language and natural resources.​ 

Enrollment Coordinator:

Delgadina Gonzalez